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Thursday, June 24, 2010

What staple products do you need???

I feel like I have hit a new stage in my journey of becoming natural. It is a very comfortable stage. This stage requires me to closely pay attention to what goes on my hair. I am being honest with myself in what works in my hair and what doesn't work. I was the classic product junkie, if I saw it, I had to try it! Now I won't lie and make it seem like I am cured BUT I honestly respect what works for my hair. What does that mean? Well I recognize when something consistently works and I'm pleased with the results. I can finally say that I have staples. You should have a staple in what I like to call the "Must Have" product categories such as shampoo, conditioner, etc..So what product should you find staples for and have in your arsenal? Here is a list and I have also given you what my staple is for that category if I have found one, as well as the frequency of my use of the product if it applies!

Pre-poo (before shampoo usage)- Cantu Repair Leave In Conditioner Repair Cream and Jane Carter's Scalp Renew
Shampoo/Conditioner (once per week)- Giovanni Smooth as Silk
Clarifying Shampoo (once for month)- Giovanni Triple Tea Treat
Deep Conditioner (everytime shampoo is used)- Neutrogena Triple Moisture
Leave In Conditioner (after every wash/cowash)- "Kimmay Conditioner" Giovanni Direct Leave in/Knot Today mixed with castor/jojoba oil, and aloe vera juice.
Heat Protection Spray (blow-drying or diffusing)-Nexxus
Styler-Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie
Sealant-Jane Carter Nourish/Shine
Setting Lotion/Mousse (For rod sets)-Jane Carter Wrap and Roll


  1. At this point in my journey I not settled on one shampoo as my staple. But, now I am using the rice shampoo bar from Afroveda which leaves my hair cleaned and feeling conditioned. As a conditioner I use Suave almond and shea or Giovanni Smooth as silk. I will always use VO5 conditioners for detangleing and co-wasing- that is a staple of mine. My fave deep conditiner is Elasta QP DPR-11. For my stylers for I LOVE Donna MAries Mira Curl curling gelli- I am in love- that will be a staple also. I also use ECO styler olive oil to style also.For moisture I use lots of water. I seal in that moisture with cocnut oil or an oil blend of some sort. For additional moisture I do like the Mazani butter cream as well as the Oyin whipped pudding and shine and define. My favorite gels are aloe vera gel, ecosyler, hawaiin silky. I am still looking for my "staples" on certain things..but right now, this is it. :) -Blondell

  2. I find that I have to switch some of my staples occassionally. My hair gets stubborn to products, so I have to rotate them. I usually come back to the same ones.

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